Monthly Archives: October 2015

Simple Cooking

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Cooking for a family, or just for yourself, can become a tedious and stressful task. While the popularity of eating out rises, it seems the value of home cooked meals has become obsolete. Going from cooking six nights a week to once or twice a month, I found myself caught up in the fast food hype as well. Returning to the old-fashioned approach of keeping my family fed, mainly for financial and health reasons, I was prompted to also start a new blogging category.

Chicken and Bow Tie PastaJoining MyRecipes

As a self taught cook, thanks to The Food Network, I require detailed instructions for most meals I make. While browsing for an easy pasta recipe, I stumbled on the website and was quite impressed with their meal planning method. Users can add recipes to a calendar, create shopping lists, and share dinner ideas with family members. They even have an app that allows significant others to offer input and suggestions. This seems like a great way for couples and parents to share and encourage the responsibility of preparing homemade meals.

Weekly Dinner Calendar

Mimicking Rachel Ray, my favorite Food Network star, 30 Minute Meals, 5 Ingredient Recipes and Dinners for $20 or Less will be the core of my new Simple Cooking Category. Be on the lookout for new posts and feel free to share your own recipes and meal planning suggestions!