DIY Hair Mask: For Dry, Damaged Hair

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I prefer using natural, homemade beauty products, and while browsing Facebook I found this DIY hair mask. Coconut oil and honey are used in most of my skin and hair care regimens, so I had all three ingredients on hand. The coconut cream pictured is in its solid state, but melted oil works best for mixing.

I tripled the original recipe to saturate my short, thick, kicky mane completely. I later realized starting with dampened hair would probably require much less. After applying the mask I immediately saw and felt the difference. My scalp felt extremely moisturized, and my natural curls looked amazing. I placed a shower cap over my head for about an hour; passing the time by pampering my legs and feet with a homemade sugar scrub!

Watch the video on Facebook

Rinsing your hair with cool water is the best option, however, lukewarm still works for me. I followed by washing and conditioning with sulfate free store products (eventually I want to use homemade shampoo and conditioner as well). I moisturized my hair with pure coconut oil and proceeded to let it air dry over night (for curly or kinky hair, it’s best to sleep under a silk hair scarf or on silk pillow cases). The next morning I was so impressed with how soft and manageable my hair was! I could not stop touching it. For continued results I plan on using this hair mask once a week!

About Danika

Part-time blogger, Full-time Nerd

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